Thursday, January 31, 2013


2013 is going to be my year. A great year. I'm going to make sure of it. First step is to finally complete my resolutions. No more looking back at my previous resolutions to realize that over last 5 years nothing has gotten crossed off the list. So this year I am creating a system to keep myself accountable. I'll make it public. So that means you... mom. Hi.Thanks for reading. And to anybody else that stumbles onto my blog.

So here is the list... hmmm I don't like the word list. Sounds so temporary. Here is the 2013 commandments of Amy's resolutions. Way more official. Nothing like more commandments that I can feel guilty for breaking.

1. Six-pack baby. 
I've always wanted one. I've come close a couple of times, 4-pack, if I had the flu. I know this seems like a shallow goal that doesn't have any real benefits, but how is it any different than wanting to do other shallow thing. Ok so judge me... and my soon to be beautiful abs. I've been active my whole life so it's time to take it to the next level. 

my goal
2. Parlez-vous Francais. 
I took French in High school and a little bit recently, but since I want to live in France some day I should commit to learning the language. I just wish that darn Rosetta Stone software wasn't so expensive. If you speak French or know someone who does please write to me in Francais and I'll do my best not to insult the beauty of the language. Parlez-vous huma huma? I just couldn't resist.

me in paris
3. Rock and roller. 
 Learn to play the guitar even if it's only a couple songs, good songs, not like happy birthday or Jingle Bells. I figure that if I practice at least 10 minutes each day I should be able to learn a couple songs each month. 10 minutes. That's about the time I take to shower. Well that's 7 minutes, but that's not even worth tuning the guitar.

Joan Jett
4. GoDaddy. 
I created a cheap free website (my site) that has sufficed, but now I want something that has all my content without some long cheesy web URL and ads attached to it. I'm thinking either Joomla or Drupal as my CMS (content management system). Nerdy I know. Anyone have any recommendations?
This is what I want my website to look like. Seriously if you haven't seen this site it's amazing.
JimCarry's Website
But something like these might be a little more realistic

5. Blog.
Well I can check this one of the list. Just 2 good blogs a month. Something that requires research, thought, and humor, not just my rantings. Even thought my ranting can be quite entertaining unless you are the reason for my rant. Here are few nice blogs I enjoy.

6. Healthy Hip. 
This is actually my number one priority, but there isn't much I can do that I'm not already doing. Once I hear back from UC Davis I will head down there for another diagnosis. I just wish someone knew what was wrong and I would do whatever it took to fix it. In the mean time I'll just pray.

7. Dear God.
Speaking of prayers and all that religious stuff. Next on my list is to read the Bible. The whole thing. Now as a Christian I should have done this by now. I guess I just worry about what I'll find and if it will make my feminist heart cringe. If anyone has a feminist Bible I'd love to read that. Something that puts the injustice to women in some kind of context so I don't view God as a misogynist. Also, I'm getting paid by an Atheist $150 to read it. Don't ask. 

8. Live wholistically. 
Now this doesn't mean become a Buddhist hippy on a RAW food diet... as lovely as that sounds, "Wholistic refers to the whole, a whole item or whole body of a person or thing. The word defines the consideration of the entire structure or makeup, which
includes the body, mind and the spirit in the case of a human being." Since I've hurt my hip I've learned that your body needs more attention than just what you see on the outside. I need to take vitamins and minerals and be conscious of what I'm putting into my body. Now while organic food is expensive I know I can cut back on some things in order to get my body in good health. Less sugar, soda, dairy. More greens. I hate kale with a passion, but I've gotta get those lively foods into my system daily. Groan.

9. DJ Vive (VeeVah). 

Pretentious I know. When people find out I'm a DJ they always assume I must be like Deadmau5. Nope. I'm an event DJ. I play the songs you want to hear. I don't mash up good music to crazy rave beats that make you want to take drugs. I enjoy getting people to dance not use glow sticks. However, it is my desire to be skilled in beat matching and mixing. I don't have all the software I would need, but I'm ready to learn. While I don't aspire to be the next Skrillex I wouldn't mind partying it up with Nervo. Not because I love their mashups, but because they look so cool doing it.
Australian Twin DJs

10. Work on not being pretentious. 

11. Get Scrappy. 
I'm no Martha Stewart, but damn I've always wanted to make one scrap book. In high school I bought stuff for this crafty project. It counted as an art credit. Now I'm heading toward the opposite spectrum; craft nights with the cat ladies. I just want to make one cutesy book about my memories in Europe. I've saved all the useless ticket stubs, train passes, museum pamphlets and the memories are constantly collecting dust in the recesses of my mind. Pretty soon I won't even remember who were in the pictures. I just hate the thought of actually scrapping. Sounds so old, lame, girly, waste of time, but I don't give a scrap.

12. Lights, camera, action.
It doesn't have to be Lawrence of Arabia, but just a short film a month Anything about anything will do. I just need to get behind a camera and commit to editing the footage. Or tackle the hours of footage I already have. Just one a month. This month is almost up sooo I'll start next month.


13. You've got to Move It Move It!
I've been in Redding living with my parents for way too long. I keep thinking someone will discover my awesomeness and hire me on the spot for some crazy job traveling around the world. My only hesitation in moving is that I don't feel like I've made my mark on this darn town. I'm still a small fish in a tiny pond. Well I wasn't always small. I used to be the big Redding tennis star. Maybe I should have left it at that and never came back. Now if feels like I'm trying to recreate myself. I'll have to talk to my therapist about that. I have about 6 months before my boyfriend leaves to complete his education. It's not confirmed if I will follow, but I do love the thought of moving to S.F. I've always wanted to live in this amazing city.
Isn't it beautiful?

13 resolutions is enough. It's doable. Also, 13 is my favorite number and it matches the year. So if luck would have it all should go smoothly.... unfortunately luck is a conniving bitch who gives luck to people in my life that I can't stand. Damn you luck! I said I was sorry. Anywho. This year is up to me. This time next year this list will be all checked off and I'll finally have a new list of resolutions.


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Friends shmends

A part of my 90 days plan to success one of my goals is to improve my social life. I can no longer avoid networking if I going to be putting my services out to the public. I've never been a huge socialite. I wouldn't say I'm anti-social, but I wouldn't say I'm social. I like the few friends I've made over my lifetime and don't pursue finding any others. I think friends procure naturally. It is about your circumstances. Right now I don't have any friends. I'd love to blame my circumstances, so I will. If I wasn't living in the small minded sexist town I would be able to make friends. But due to circumstances I just don't have any. I don't really feel like I long for friends. Well yesterday I was talking to a friend, ok it was my counselor (aka paid pretend friend, which counts by the way) and mentioned my need to network and be social. I said I'm just not intrinsically motivated to interact with others and create relationships. My friend disagreed. She said everyone has a little intrinsic desire to have friends. Then I said jokingly, "ahhh I'm so lonely". She just nodded. Whoa! What?! That shut me up. I did the uhhh pshhh uuughhh phssshhh squirm for a little while before I could regain my composure. Lonely?! Really?! I asked her, "Do I come off as some pathetic loser looking for friends?!" She replied, "That's not what I said." Then I got defensive. I tried to prove I was making an effort. Ok Ok. Well I did swing by my sister's best friends birthday party before work, and not only because there was amazing food there and I was starving . After I stacked my plate I sat down into a bee swarm of menial conversation. Here is what the busy bees were saying.

1st bee: John is sooo cute with his new haircut.
2nd bee: Omg I know.
3rd bee: Ummm no guys, John is a dick. Remember he is a dick. (she obviously in love with him)
2nd bee: Oh ya he's a major dick. Totally. (Doesn't care as long as she is talking about boys)
1st bee: Uhhh ya. (not so secretly she still wants to bang John)
2nd bee: Omg I love this.
1st bee: What talking bad about people?
2nd bee: Uh ya. I mean no. Well ya a little.

I wanted shoot myself in the face... even though I definitely think the world could do without 3 dumb bees (haha I'm so funny. Friends... pshhh I entertain myself). This just justifies why I don't need or want friends. Right? Luckily, I was only there for 20 minutes which included 4 more gossip convos I had to sit through. Who needs this shit?! Right. Well my "friend" said those aren't the people you will become friends with. That's all there seems to be in this town though. So I asked my friend if she had any friends, "You are young and professional do you have trouble finding female friends?" Well in college I had friends, but they aren't here. So um yes." Well looks who's lonely now?! Still me. Even my boyfriend agreed with her. "What? I have you, my love." He retorted, "But when I'm not around. You need friends. They are important to have." Ok I got it. So I'm starting my search for female friends. I'm being specific because I never seem to have a problem making male friends (ew not like that). So these next 30 days will be my take on "I love you, woman". But less cool and probably more crying. Let the hunt begin. Will you be my buddy?

Christmas gifts

My favorite thing about Christmas is creating the perfect present. The perfect gift is one that is personal, creative, and makes the recipient cry. This is that gift. It only took 20 hours, but totally worth those Christmas tears. This is an album of me and my sister's adventure in Europe. These are some of my favorite sister memories. I hope that some day we can have another adventure equally as awesome.