Saturday, July 9, 2011

Yart Sale

The Brown girls are embarking on a huge adventure that we have never done before.... we are going to Chicago for Jesus! We went to a conference a couple months back and heard about a bigger conference in Chicago and felt lead to go. Now we need God to send us there financially because we are all struggling but through one of the ways is help from our friends.

We decided we are going to put on a yard/art sale to help raise money for the trip.... traveling cost, housing, and food. There are a few ways that you can help

1. Donating anything that you don't want for the yard sale. We will take furniture, clothes, jewlery, etc

2. We invite our friends to set up their own art to help themselves raise money. I will use Meegan for example (she makes hats and she sold some lovely hats at the last yart sale) So if you have any sell-able art then please come and set up.

3. Simply donating

We want to make this kind of a modern type yard sale party. We will have music, BBQ, , sweets, art tables etc.... kinda like a bloc party. Please let me know if you are interested in doing anything or have any questions and we shall converse. Thanks so much!


JULY 15-16 8AM-2PM

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