It's over. Christmas that is. I know it's been 2 weeks since that wonderful magical day, but the sadness doesn't set in until all the decorations are put away. The house looks so bleak and dismal now. No more lights, nativity scenes (we have over 30), indoor tree, Sinatra wishing me a joyous season, baking edible men, buying gifts, trying to be more generous. Back to the ho hum of regular life.
bye mr. snowman
I might be one of the few adults who still gets super excited about Christmas. I love everything about it... everything! I might take it a little too far sometimes. I've even been called the Christmas Nazi... there is just a certain way the tree should be decorated and am I out of line in wanting the Christmas village to be logical, like the toy store can't go that close to the ice skating rink the shoppers would slip and fall. Geez. I look up all the local Christmas events going on and I don't care if I'm the only childless adult on the carriage ride. Actually I was the only childless adult almost everywhere I went. Where did all these kids come from? Well they aren't interfering with me getting all I can out of this selfless season...
1. decorate house and tree
2. bake cookies
3. buy the perfect presents
4. make a gingerbread house
5. carriage ride
6. see outdoor lights
7. candle dipping
8. watch Elf, Christmas Story, Nightmare Before Christmas, and Scrooged
Did I forget anything? I believe that not enough people cherish the holidays. I don't know about you, but in my town the Christmas spirit must be infectious... and lots of people are getting the disease. For example, everyone on the road seems to be more anxious and crazy during December. I got cut off at least once every time I was anywhere near the mall. With all the rude drivers it was hard to stay joyous... I just would put on a smile and wave to them with my holiday cheer finger... "And a Happy New Year too you piece of... pie!" Other than that Christmas makes me so happy and optimistic... until I see my January bank statement... oh but isn't it worth it to get that perfect present... "you totally love it, right?".
Some day I'll have my own perfectly decorated house with the aroma of cookies and the sound of holiday cheer and everyone will decorate gingerbread houses, make wreathes, watch the movie elf, go caroling, and do everything!!! or else damn it! Isn't that what Christmas is about making it picture perfect? No? So maybe I'm not the best example of how to experience Christmas cheer. During a holiday party I was asked what my favorite Christmas memory was. I had such a hard time thinking of a Christmas that stood out amongst all the rest. This was quite upsetting for someone who prides themselves in having an overwhelming fascination with December 25th. Out of all my memories only one stood out. I was probably around 6-9 years old when my whole family got together for a Christmas party. Either my mom or aunt or both were playing Christmas songs on the piano. People were singing, laughing, and everything seemed so joyful. I'm not even sure it was on Christmas day, but I don't ever remember feeling such an amazing holiday spirit at any other time since then. When I talked to my mom about it she remembered that day too. Yet her favorite memory was seeing the excitement on my grandpa's face when he would lead everyone on a treasure hunt for a family gift he had hidden. So maybe I shouldn't worry so much about crossing off my holiday checklist, but invest more time in just relaxing with friends and family. Totally cliche... but next year if anyone wants to join me in my elf-like excitement for Jesus' Birthday and doesn't mind riding along in a carriage ride then let me know. Santa's lap is big enough for the both of us... at least that's what he told me at the holiday party.
Christmas will always be my favorite time of the year, but you'll have to be careful cause you might just shoot your eye out.
1 comment:
You are so funny. My favorite memory is you putting out the nativity sets, repeatedly saying, "you can have a nativity without the Joseph, but not without Jesus. You can have one without one of the wisemen, but not without Jesus. etc., etc.," Your point, DON'T BREAK the Jesus.
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